Building a better
tomorrow, today

Balancing success with social and
environmental well-being



We take Corporate Social Responsibility as
our duty to the society by addressing social and
economic concerns related to education. Hence,
Amudha Educational Trust has been started by
Mr.Ilango, Managing Director of
Amudha Civil Construction Pvt. Ltd. in 2000 through
which we achieve a balance of economic,
environmental and social imperatives
across poor students.

Best Construction Company in Chennai

Amudha Educational Trust operates
with its own funding serving the students at the
Government School located in Sithalapakkam.

  • Uniforms, Stationery, Evening snacks are
    provided by the trust.
  • Cash rewards for 10th standard students
    who achieve high marks.
  • AET also provides Fees Scholarships
    for Private School students who are good at
    students but economically backward.
  • AET conducts two medical
    camps a year.


Take a look at our impactful initiative